July 2, 2024

Rev. Linda Ketchum is the founding minister and Minister Emeritus of Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cincinnati. She was introduced to Religious Science in the early 1990’s Dayton Church of Religious Science that later changed its name to Center for Spiritual Living Greater Dayton. She was an active member and Practitioner until 2003, when she founded the Cincinnati Center. Rev. Linda loves teaching Science of Mind Principles, especially the power of forgiveness and loves seeing what she calls the “light bulb” moments when students get the principle.

She is an ordained Centers for Spiritual Living Minister and earned a bachelor’s degree from Oklahoma State University and a Master’s in Consciousness Studies from The Holmes Institute.

Rev Linda retired as a pulpit minister in 2015 and now enjoys creating and performing wedding ceremonies for wonderful couples in the surrounding area. She has two daughters, five grandchildren, and three great-grandsons. She lives in the Troy, OH, area with her husband, Bill.

She enjoys spending time with her family and traveling, playing board games with her husband, and reading.

Rev. Linda lives these principles and understands what it means to “Change your thinking and change your life.

Rev. Linda Ketchum
Founding Minister

Gloria Darby has been a student of Religious Science for decades. A native Cincinnatian, Gloria moved to Los Angeles after completing graduate school at the University of Cincinnati, where she studied education. She taught special needs children in the LA Public School Systems. Gloria was a member of Founder’s Church of Religious Science in LA and studied under the late William H. D. Hornaday, the leading minister.

She became a Licensed Practitioner at Founders, and, in addition to raising her two daughters, she became a teacher of Science of Mind, as well as a Spiritual Counselor to dozens of people throughout the country, including many people in the entertainment industry.

Upon returning to Cincinnati to care for her aging mother, Gloria was determined to be a vehicle to help bring Science of Mind Principles to Greater Cincinnati. She traveled to Dayton, Ohio, to attend Service at the Science of Mind Center there until a Beacon of Life Spiritual Center was formed under the leadership of Rev. Linda J. Ketchum. Gloria served as a Practitioner at Beacon of Life (now Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cincinnati) and serves as a teacher of Science of Mind Principles.

Though semi-retired, she still sees clients and resides in Mt. Healthy, Ohio, with her husband.

Gloria J. Darby
Practitioner Emeritus

Caleb Glickman is a conductor and coach from Los Angeles. Caleb received his BFA from Carnegie Mellon University in Vocal Performance. He graduated with a Master’s in Orchestral Conducting at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) in 2019 and is currently a candidate in the Artist’s Diploma program in Opera Coaching at CCM.

As part of his time at CCM, he has worked as Music Director on several Studio Opera productions and serves as an Artist in Residence at Twin Towers Senior Living Community.

During his years at Carnegie Mellon, he conducted several premieres of operas while also working as the Assistant Conductor of the All-University Orchestra. In 2018, he organized and conducted a performance of Handel’s Judas Maccabeus for Hanukkah in honor of those lost in the Tree of Life shooting.

Caleb has been performing most of his life. He was first introduced into the world of classical music and opera through the Los Angeles Children’s Chorus. Since then, he continues to sing and play piano, flute, and violin for anyone who wants to listen.

Quote: “I would never be where I am today without the support of my incredible family; I owe everything to their ceaseless encouragement. I am humbled use that privilege to be able to share music with the world and especially the CSLGC community.”

Caleb Glickman
Choir Director

Rev. J.J. is a native of Cincinnati in a multi-family home where everyone who lived there was related. Surrounded by the richness of family and community, her faith-walk began at age 8 when she was baptized at Southern Baptist Church. At age 14, she became the youth choir director of the Southern Baptist Inspirational Choir. At age 15, her love of music inspired her to start a youth-led contemporary gospel group called the Cincinnati Youth Choral Ensemble, which later became the James McCray Choral Ensemble (JMCE).

Rev. J.J. is a motivational speaker and has served as the keynote speaker for the Jamie Jameson Foundation’s “Panties Across the Bridge,” an initiative that educates on gynecological cancers, and the University of Cincinnati’s “Light the Night” event for cancer awareness. She has also served as the keynote speaker for two National Association of Women In Construction (NAWIC) – Cincinnati Annual Meetings and Installation Ceremonies and various churches and other faith-based organizations throughout Greater Cincinnati.

She has created and implemented many workshops and developed a series of inspirational seminars for Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Residents through the HOPE VI initiative, designed to inspire participants to release their past and move forward with their dreams.

She’s a graduate of Xavier University, where she majored in Communications and earned a Construction Industry Technician Certification (CIT) through the NAWIC/Clemson University Partnership. She’s also a graduate of the first class of the Xavier University Community Building Institute.

Rev. J.J. JioDucci is a graduate of Holmes Institute School of Consciousness Studies and the School of Spiritual Leadership/Florida Campus. She earned a Master’s in Consciousness Studies and a Certificate in Religious Science Ministerial Studies. She answered the call to ministry, which she calls her “second act,” and currently serves as the Inclusion and Social Justice Minister for Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cincinnati.

She lives on Cincinnati’s east side with her partner of 37 years and lives by the mantra, “Inspiring all to aspire to their greater Greatness!”

“Praying to inspire all to aspire to their personal greater Greatness!”

Rev. J. J. Jioducci

Rev J. J. JioDucci
Inclusion & Social Justice Minister

Rev. Dee has been the Senior Minister at Center for Spiritual Living Greater Cincinnati since accepting a Letter of Call to be its Spiritual Leader in 2014.

Born and raised in Northern Indiana, Rev. Dee’s spiritual journey began in the United Methodist tradition, where he was immersed in the traditional teachings of Christianity and the value of spiritual community. A self-proclaimed generalist, Rev. Dee’s spiritual journey has been one of thoughtful discovery and mindful integration.

Rev. Dee agrees with the late Dr. Ernest Holmes when he explained that Science, in its quest to definitively link cause and effect, is the handmaid of Religion and Philosophy. And that all three fields of study must provide for practical application in the lives of human beings if they are to be worthy of our pursuit.

With a deep desire to grow spiritually and a chance encounter, while living in San Diego with one of those who “mysteriously” show up in our lives, Rev. Dee found a community of like-minded persons at the Pacific Church of Religious Science. Inspired by its minister, Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn, Rev. Dee entered into the Science of Mind studies. He later became a Licensed Practitioner under the tutelage of his mentor, the late Rev. Dr. Don Henderson.

Knowing the practical difference of spiritual truth personally, changed his life. A deep call from within and a passion for sharing the principles of Science of Mind with others, led Rev. Dee to pursue becoming a Science of Mind Minister. He describes the path as profound, ever-changing within and without, and filled with joy for which he is ever more grateful!

Rev. Dee is a graduate of the University of Arizona School of Architecture and the Holmes Institute of Consciousness Studies and a Licensed Minister of Centers for Spiritual Living, Golden, Colorado.

The dad of one son and two basset hounds, Rev. Dee, currently calls the west side of Cincinnati home.

“Each of Us are being God Itself being each of Us, consciously evolving in union and relationship with the I Am that I Am that It Is, and We Are.”

Rev. C. Dee Coy

Rev. C. Dee Coy
Senior Minister